I'm looking into alternative iOS Push Notification providers for Kids In Touch. I'm not too thrilled with my current one right now. Their support seems.... inconsistent at best. However, their pricing is really hard to beat.

Someone suggested I use ZeroPush. ZeroPush's API seems very easy and straightforward. I could transition from my current provider to them in a few minutes.

Unfortunately, ZeroPush's pricing just seems insane in comparison. Here's some sample numbers I'm throwing around. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.

CORRECTIONS : The $150 per month plan allows 3M instead of the 1.5M pushes I originally calculated. I've updated the calculations below.

  • 50,000 accounts for your app
  • Avg 20 pushes per day per account
  • 30 days per month
  • 50,000 * 20 * 30 = 30,000,000 pushes per month
  • 30,000,000 - 3,000,000 pushes in the $150 per month plan = 27,000,000
  • 27,000,000 / 1000 * .06 = $1,620
  • $1,620 + $150 = $1770 per month

Shameless Plug : Kids In Touch - Training Wheels for Texting

That's a whole lot of money. As the current provider is $49 per month for "unlimited" pushes, the difference is $1,661 per month.

I'm at the point where lousy customer service but reasonable cost and decent actual service is a better deal.

Anyone have feedback on this? I'd love to hear suggestions on alternatives. Let me know on Twitter.